Training artificial insemination technique of queen bee

Group training Germany:
Instrumental insemination of Honey Bee Queens Group training with prior registration and planning will be held.
Location: State of Thuringia 98716 Elgersburg Germany
Duration: 3 days
Training fee: €350.00
Each apprentice is required to bring 5 unmated queens aged around 6 to 8 days or place an order with us for their procurement. The cost is €10.00 per queen. We will provide participants with a sufficient number of mature drones for semen collection.
For more information, we will be glad to contact you via email.
For private courses held in foreign languages at our training and laboratory center in Elgersburg, it is mandatory to bring a translator. Participants should also plan for two full days of training, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Please note that hotels are available in the Elgersburg region for accommodating the apprentices.